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Thursday, June 24, 2010

St Michael's Archangel prize

Fractal Alchemy 1 of 12

I am very excited to announce that i just won the St Michael's Archangel Prize for this work.

If you want to see what i wrote about the interesting theme of order/disorder in relation to my click (here)

Scrase_Spiritualisation_boxed neon and vodka sticker_2009-2010

This an old work made new.
I will be showing at the Sub Station, i have included my artist statement and work description to give an insight.


Artist statement:
Transformation; that is one word that I think ties my broad practice together: I have called it alchemy, but I think it is more like play. A lot of my practice has involved reconfiguring multiple found objects (elevating materials to another level), but I started moving beyond the materials around me; I stared doing peculiar things such as staring at my shadow for an hour (seeing if I can personally transcend) or attempting to start a subtle revolution at a music festival (change on a Meta society level).

It is my belief that society needs to make some drastic changes in a very short time frame if we hope to be able to deal with a large number of challenges that seem to be exponentially looming. I think it is arts time to recharge, generate change and shine the way.

Work description:
The large boxed neon artwork I am showing was originally designed for the façade of the Linden Centre for Contemporary Art. It was part of a show titled: The Sublimation and Spiritualisation of Solids, which is a description of the aims of alchemy. I placed it on the front of the gallery as a sort of question; asking the passer by to contemplate the role of art in society.

For this exhibition I have lowered the neon to human level (both physically and theoretically), so that it now asked how can/does the viewer experience the ‘Infinity effect’.

SUB12 runs from 2 July through to 19 September, and is supported by Hobsons Bay City Council.
SUB12 series one: 2 July - 25 July
Opening night - 6.00pm to 8.00pm on Friday 2 July
Officially launched by Cr Peter Hemphill
Artists: Hit & Miss, Carl Scrase, Kieran Stewart, James Smeaton, Bindi Cole, Ross Coulter, Timothy Kendall Edser, Linda Tegg
Gallery opening hours
Thursday - Friday 12.00pm - 7.00pm
Saturday - Sunday 12.00pm - 5.00pm
For further information contact
The Substation on (03) 9391 2736or

Monday, June 7, 2010

Time out: as part of Objects in space for the 2008 Next Wave.

I walked past this work I did for the 2008 Next Wave the other day as I was visiting TCB. Its looking a little worse for wear now.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Generative power of opposites (Melbourne Project)

I got 2,500 of these wallet sized artworks printed in July, i have been putting them all over Melbourne. Hope you find one.

This project was supported by the city of Melbourne. The artist would also like to thank everyone involved with Splendid and the team at Platform.